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[10月15日]Substrate-transferred Crystalline Coatings

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题 目:Substrate-transferred Crystalline Coatings
报告人:Dr. Garrett D. Cole (University of Vienna)
时 间:10月15日(周三),下午2:00
地 点:物理馆512会议室

In this presentation I will outline the fascinating perspectives of the field of cavity optomechanics and introduce an entirely unanticipated spin-off technology that promises to drastically improve the performance of ultra-stable optical interferometers. Cavity optomechanics has recently emerged as one of the most dynamic fields in modern optics. The ultimate objective of this interdisciplinary endeavor is to gain access to a completely new parameter regime, in terms of size and complexity, for experimental quantum physics. The fundamental process at the heart of this effort is the enhancement of radiation pressure within a high-finesse optical cavity. Exploiting this weak interaction, i.e. the momentum transfer of photons onto the cavity boundaries, requires the development of mechanical resonators simultaneously exhibiting high reflectivity and low mechanical dissipation. Interestingly, similar requirements—as a means of minimizing the deleterious effects of thermal noise—are found in a broad spectrum of applications, ranging from interferometric gravitational wave detectors to cavity-stabilized lasers for optical atomic clocks. This overlap leads to an intimate link between advances in the disparate areas of optical precision measurement and micro- and nanoscale optomechanical systems. The ground-breaking coating technology developed as a result of this foundational research, which we term "crystalline coatings," exhibit competitive optical properties when compared with ion beam sputtered multilayers (i.e. ppm levels of scatter and absorption), while yielding up to two orders of magnitude reduction in mechanical damping and thus a corresponding reduction in the limiting Brownian noise.
Research Field:
Electronic and Photonics materials. Dr. Garrett D. Cole has done innovative works on the new type of optical coatings used for the cavity optomechanics applications. He has published a number of high impact journal articles, for example, Nature photonics, nature communication, Nature nanotechnology, Applied Physics Letter, Optics Express, etc.