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[8月18日]Plasmonic Metamaterials and Its Novel Applications

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题 目:Plasmonic Metamaterials and Its Novel Applications
报告人:Prof. Zhaowei Liu(University of California, San Diego) 
时 间:8月18日(周二),上午10:00-11:00
地 点:南校区第一实验楼423会议室


Plasmonic and metamaterials have introduced tremendous research interest within last decade and has become an increasingly important field in nanophotonics. The extraordinary optical properties of plasmonic structures and metamaterials have opened up a variety of novel applications such as super resolution imaging, deep-subwavelength waveguides, ultrasensitive sensors and etc. In this talk I will review some of our work on passive and active control of light, including super resolution microscopy, high contrast microscopy, and metamaterials enhanced light emission devices. Other topics such as solar thermal energy and extraordinary thermal conductivity in metamaterials will also be briefly discussed.

Brief Bio(个人简介):

Zhaowei Liu is an Associate Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at UCSD. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MEMS/Nanotechnology) from UCLA in 2006, and was subsequently a postdoctoral researcher in NSF Nanoscale Science & Engineering Center (NSEC) and Mechanical Engineering at UC Berkeley. In 2008 he joined the faculty at UCSD. His previous work was selected as top 100 science stories of 2007 by Discovery Magazine, and top 10 scientific discoveries of 2008 by Time Magazine. His current research interest covers a broad spectrum of fields, including of nanophotonics, super-resolution ultrafast imaging and sensing, bio-photonics, metamaterials, plasmonics, energy, LEDs, and micro/nanofabrication. He is a recipient of the 2010 Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award, the UCSD 2010 Hellman Faculty Fellowship Award, the 2013 Office of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator Award, and the 2013 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Young Faculty Award. He is also the invited participant for the Frontiers of Science 2010 by National Academy of Science and the Frontiers of Engineering 2014 by National Academy of Engineering.