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[11月18日] Bimetallic Microswimmers Speed Up in Confining Channels

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题 目:Bimetallic Microswimmers Speed Up in Confining Channels 
报告人:张何朋 研究员(上海交通大学致远6合彩结果 )
时 间:11月18日(周一),下午2:00-3:00
地 点:第一实验楼423会议室

Abstract:Synthetic microswimmers are envisioned to be useful in numerous applications, many of which occur in tightly confined spaces. It is therefore important to understand how confinement influences swimmer dynamics. Here we study the motility of bimetallic microswimmers in linear and curved channels. Our experiments show swimmer velocities increase, up to 5 times, with the degree of confinement, and the relative velocity increase depends weakly on the fuel concentration and ionic strength in solution. Experimental results are reproduced in a numerical model which attributes the swimmer velocity increase to electrostatic and electrohydrodynamic boundary effects. Our work not only helps to elucidate the confinement effect of phoretic swimmers, but also suggests that spatial confinement may be used as an effective control method for them.

Short Bio:张何朋,2000年复旦大学物理系本科毕业,而后到纽约城市大学物理系从事软物质和玻璃相变的研究并于2004年获得博士学位;同年到得克萨斯大学奥斯丁分校开始博士后研究工作,2010年加入上海交大;目前主要研究方向为生物和软物质物理;获得基金委、上海市科委、上海市教委等多项科研资助;2012年入选上海市“浦江人才”计划并当选上海高校特聘教授(东方学者),2014年获得基金委优秀青年基金。