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[06月12日]Watching acoustic waves confined in cavities

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题 目:Watching acoustic waves confined in cavities
报告人:Oliver B. Wright 教授,日本北海道大学(
[email protected]
时 间:6月12日(周一 ),上午10:00-11:00
地 点:同济大学南校区第一实验楼423会议室


Keywords: picosecond, optical scattering, fiber, acoustic-optic, ultrasonics, phononic crystal, metamaterial, cavity, extraordinary transmission

Surface-acoustic and bulk-acoustic-wave wave devices based on waves in resonators have found extensive application in high-frequency signal processing. In particular phononic crystals, metamaterials and micron to sub-micron structures exhibit interesting physical properties, such as omnidirectional stop bands or tight wave confinement, that allow potential improvements to these devices. Here we present results of real-time imaging and tracking of laser-excited acoustic waves at frequencies from 100 MHz up to ~100 GHz in various novel micron-scale cavity geometries: phononic-crystal slab cavity structures, metamaterial extraordinary-transmission structures and sub-micron fibres.


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