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主讲人 Dr. Vasily Kravtsov 时间 2024年12月3日16:30-17:30
地点 四平路校区衷和楼203


Dr. Vasily Kravtsov has worked for several years as a research assistant at the Physics Department of CU Boulder and joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, focusing on near-fieldoptics, nanotechnology, and femtosecond laser pulses. Vasily is currently a leading research fellow in the Department of Physics, ITMO University. His research interests include two-dimensional quantum materials, ultrafast spectroscopy, and nonlinear nano-optics.


Strong light-matter coupling can significantly enhance the functionality of  integrated photonic circuits and associated devices via efficient and controlled nonlinear optical response. Especially interesting are planar dielectric  wave guides and resonatorsinter faced with 2D vander Waals semiconductors  as they are compact, can be easily integrated on a photonic chip, and can support the strong light-matter coupling regime with exciton-polariton formation  at room temperature. We study nonlinear exciton-polaritons in a number of  structures, including high-index subwavelength  waveguides, photonic crystal slabs, planar Bragg mirror-based resonators, and systems supporting bound  states in the continuum. Via combined experimental and theoretical  investigations, we show that these hybrid structures can provide an efficient and controllable nonlinear response in a compact chip-compatible geometry. We further demonstrate sensitive electrical and optical control of the underlying exciton-polariton excitations, which offers new approaches towards designing nanophotonic modulators, switches, and interconnects. Our results suggest that nanophotonic waveguides integrated with 2D van der Waals semiconductors provide a promising platform for room-temperature on-chip nonlinear optical and opto-electronic components for next-generation integrated photonic circuits.