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[3月9日]Multilayer x-ray optics in an X-FEL: possibility of a soft x-ray distributed feedback laser

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题 目:Multilayer x-ray optics in an X-FEL: possibility of a soft x-ray distributed feedback laser
报告人:JONNARD Philippe(Laoratoire de Chimie Physique - Matière et Rayonnement,Université Pierre et Marie Curie – CNRS,Paris, France)

时 间:3月9日(周一),下午2:00-3:00
地 点:物理馆512会议室



We present our project to make a laser working in the soft x-ray range based on the interaction of an X-FEL beam with a multilayer. Two conditions are required to build a laser: an optical cavity and a population inversion. The first condition can be achieved with periodic multilayers designed as optical components to work in the soft x-ray range. In this case the multilayer acts both as the active medium for the lasing emission and the optical cavity. The second condition can be realized owing to the large pumping power delivered by an X-FEL, leading to a lot of ionizations in the core levels of the atoms present within the multilayer. We present our calculations showing that such a lasing scheme is feasible.




  • Habilitation à diriger des Recherches                                                                                                                                2000
  • Post-doctoral position, Centre de Recherche sur les Très Basses Températures, CNRS, Grenoble (Equipe du Dr. R. Tournier)                                                                                                                                                                        1990-1991
  • PhD Thesis of the Pierre et Marie Curie University                                                                                                          1990

   "Etudes des distributions électroniques occupées et vides d'éléments présents à des     interfaces, par spectroscopie d'émission X et par spectroscopies d'isochromate"  (Study of the occupied and inoccupied electron distributions of elements present at interfaces, by x-ray emission spectroscopy and isochromat spectroscopies)

  • DEA de Chimie Physique (Master in physical chemistry) of the Pierre et Marie Curie University                          1987



    Chargé de Recherche (Assistant Professor)– CNRS                1991

    Directeur de Recherche (Professor) – CNRS                              2006

scientific production

    68 publications in journals with referees

    29 oral oral conferences

    81 posters presentations