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[4月3日] Optical Nonlinearity of Graphene

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题 目:Optical Nonlinearity of Graphene
报告人:Dr.Jinluo Cheng(比利时布鲁塞尔大学)
时 间:4月3日(周五),上午10:00-11:00
地 点:南校区第一实验楼423会议室


We theoretically consider the third order nonlinear optical response of doped graphene by perturbatively solving the semiconductor Bloch equation, with describing scattering effects phenomenologically in a relaxation time approximation. At zero temperature and taking the linear dispersion approximation around the Dirac points, we obtain analytic expressions for the third order conductivities relevant to a number of different physical processes: Third harmonic generation, Kerr effects and two photon absorption, two-color coherent control, and parametric frequency conversion. We also consider a special case where one of the electric fields is taken as a dc field, and we investigate the dc-current/field induced second order optical nonlinearities.

Taking the zero temperature formula as a starting point, we further construct the nonlinear conductivities at room temperature, and describe the response of graphene to a laser pulse with finite duration. We compare our calculations with the results of recent experiments.




